Your Premier Local Concierge Move Manager

Assist-Your-Move-Commitment-to-Health and Safety

Our Commitment to the Health of our Team & Clients

At Assist Your Move, we are taking all the necessary, proactive steps to keep our team and clients healthy and reduce exposure to our community. We are following all the trusted sources of information about health and safety guidelines for COVID-19, including recommendations from the CDC, WHO and our local governmental health and public safety organizations.

While our own health and safety guidelines are always in place, we want to share the extra precautions we are taking, whether we are moving furniture, downsizing, packing or settling clients into their new home:

  • First and foremost is the ongoing communication with our clients and their families so we can understand the status of their health and to assure them of our team’s health.  We are asking our clients that, if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone with the virus, our appointment be rescheduled.
  • Our entire team is monitored on a daily basis and, if exhibiting any signs of coughing, sneezing or fever, they are not allowed to work.
  • Upon entering a client’s home, our team washes their hands and does the same when they leave. We wear gloves during the entire job.
  • Hand sanitizer and bacterial wipes are carried in our vehicles and in our work bags. Our packing and moving gear is wiped down before and after each client visit.
  • We will avoid shaking hands or hugging clients or others – particularly in senior communities.
  • And, as always, we will maintain a sense of calm on the job.

We take this situation seriously and are doing everything we can to maintain our operations so that we can continue to assist members of our community with all their relocation needs – whether you’re preparing your home for sale, downsizing, moving, or are requiring a place to temporarily store your belongings.

Be Well,

Linda Farland, Owner

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Linda Farland

Assist Your Move was founded by Linda Farland in 2013. She is passionate about providing peace of mind for clients on the move – no matter how big or small the move – through meticulous attention to detail.

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