Your Premier Local Concierge Move Manager

Declutter So You Can Age in Place

There is a definite trend of individuals making the decision to Age In Place – remaining in their current homes through the latter years of their life. With that decision may come the need to modify the layout of your home for safer, easier navigation. But before that happens, clearing the clutter and organizing what remains

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Change of Address Checklist

This checklist provides a great starting point for notifying the right people, organizations and institutions about your change of address. It will save you hours of stress and time trying to track down lost mail or shipments. MailChange your address with the post office either shortly before you move or immediately after you’ve relocated so you

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Pack Your Clothes for Moving in 5 Easy Steps

Your clothes may be one of the last things you consider when prepping for a move. Most of us put off the task because packing up a closet can seem daunting.  With these 5 Easy Steps, you can pack your clothes in an organized and efficient way, which means unpacking will be a breeze when you

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3 Smart Steps to a Successful Remodel

Before you begin your remodel, take these 3 steps for a project that is stress-free and successful. First – Gather your everyday essentials & designate a specific space where they’ll stay during the remodel. You know, things like your home & car keys, phone & charger, a project-specific file for paperwork. If it’s a kitchen remodel,

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Stuff – it clogs our homes and clutters our minds, and it doesn’t equal more happiness. Yet, we hold on to excess unsure of its use or value. Does this sound familiar: “Wait, I might need that some day!” or “It was a gift from (fill in the blank), I couldn’t possibly give that away.” But,

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How To Move Your Electronics

Electronics are an integral part of almost every household. Computers, printers/scanners, TV & stereo systems, satellite systems, game consoles and even whole home theatre systems have become the norm.  Properly set up and configured, these items will serve you well for years. That is, until you have to move them to a new home!  If you’ve decided

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How to Pack & Move Your Plants

Plants help create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in our homes and, as part of our family, we want to keep our botanical friends safe and healthy during a transition. Whether you’re moving across the country or down the street, we have strategies and tips to ensure your plants arrive safely in their new home and

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Moving With Pets – Part 1: Moving With Cats

The fact is that felines don’t like change. Just trying moving their water dish or their bed and see what happens! So, moving your home can take things to a whole new level. To help you make the transition as stress-free as possible – for both you and your furry loved one – we offer these

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Linda Farland

Assist Your Move was founded by Linda Farland in 2013. She is passionate about providing peace of mind for clients on the move – no matter how big or small the move – through meticulous attention to detail.

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